The Abyss

It all started with you

2024-09-30 12:00 AM

It all started with you. You tore everybody down to get to where you are today. You looked so happy when you were bound helpless in my bed. I should have killed you when I had the chance. If I had pulled out my knife and gutted you then and there, and stuffed your disgusting body into the dumpster, so much future heartache could have been avoided. I don't even want to violate your pussy. I just want you dead. So much of this community's fracturing can be traced directly back to you. Rest while you can, cunt. I'm not the only enemy you've made.

Another cunt for the pile

2013-09-25 6:00 PM

It was an accident. It was fucking accident. I never meant to hurt your friend, and yet you saw it fit to irrevocalby paint me as evil. Let me ask you a qeuestion, pig. When those closest to me believe me to be a monster, why should I even attempt to be anything else? I'll be sure to ask you this question as I smash each and every one of your pretty teeth out. If you think I am a predator, I will show you a fucking predator.

No Good Deed

2024-09-14 9:00 AM

I do not do good deeds expecting a reward. I do not expect money, or sex, or favors in kind, or a thank you, or even a general acknowledgment of what I do for others. But I rage internally when people respond with cruelty. You invited me into your home to protect you and your loved ones from a predator with far less self control than me. I did my job dutifully and without expectation of a thanks. And yet you had the audacity to turn around and throw it back in my face, and treat me like I'm some kind of freeloader. Fuck you. I'm leaving tonight. I will not touch your niece, but I hope that other predator breaks in and strangles her in front of you.


2024-09-09 3:00 PM

I know I can't have her. I know I must not have her. Her family has entrusted her safety to me, from a predator they believe to be more fearsome than myself. But she is so tempting, sleeping right next to me. She is so weak, but for her her armaments. But wouldn't it be so satisfying to grab hold of the tools she has for self defense, and use them against her? I must sleep before I'm tempted further.


2024-08-26 1:00 AM


I meant to hurt many people, but I never meant to hurt you. It was truly an accident, I know I fucked up. That night was the catalyst for the darkness that followed. By the time you read this, I will have hurt many people. Most of the pain I inflict will be intentional. If you believe a single word that has ever come out of my mouth, please let it be that I am so, so sorry. I would give absolutely anything and everything to change that night, and not start down this path. I blame and resent many people for helping shape the journey that followed, but I hold zero resentment or blame towards you. I am so sorry.

Burning hatred

2024-08-20 3:00 PM

I have nothing clever to say. I'm gripping my knife while going through my photo album. I want to kill them. With a few exceptions, I want to hunt down every last one. I want to rip back every shred of kindness I ever gave to those fuckers, even if it means having to dig around in their abdomens for it. You used me for all I was worth, and then cast me aside the second I needed help in return. I tried to cry out as I slipped towards the abyss, but none of you even thought to reach towards me until it was too late.

Who Are My Real Friends?

2024-08-17 8:00 AM

I trusted her, and she trusted me. I took this photo of her photographing me in her home. But it was a petty argument over identity that lead to her denouncing me. This alone was not a big deal, as I would have been better off without her anyways. But she insisted on taking my friends away, and that is a crime I cannot forgive. Do you think you're safe because I'm far away from you? Do you think I do not watch the countless videos I recorded of you, with your consent no less, while holding my knife in my hands and thinking about what I would like to do? Are you absolutely certain I will never cut your vagina out of your body and show it to you? I am so physically repulsed by you that I do not know if I can actually bring myself to rape you, but I know for certain that I will try, only to inflict that humiliation unto you in your final moments.

Something To Live For

2023-06-06 1:00 AM

As the world collapses around me, the temptation to leave it all behind and see what awaits in the next existance grows stronger and stronger. But I can't, and won't give up. As long as one ember of rage towards my most hated prey is left burning, I can cling to life, and to my belief that to allow them to outlive me would be a fate worse than death.

Where are you?

2023-05-23 6:00 PM

We are all around you. We mop your floors, report your news, drive your rideshares, and pledge to protect and serve your communities. We sit and beg for change on the street, and we sit in lavish top floor corporate offices. No matter our backgrounds, we blend seamlessly into your world until the time is right. We are your families, friends, sworn enemies, and lovers. We are predators and Gods. We do feel - contrary to popular belief - joy, love, anguish, rage, and the rest of the spectrum of human emotion as you do. The key difference is the addition of our prey drive, constantly running in parallel. Whether or not we act on it at a given moment or at all, we are constantly evaluating prey, planning capture, fantasizing about what we'll do. And if it happens that the circumstances align just so, we will act, and claim what is rightfully ours.

Cranberry Brains

2023-05-09 10:00 PM

Jeffrey Dahmer attempted to zombify some of his later prey, rather than outright killing them. He did this by drilling holes into their heads, and attempting to pour or inject acid into their brains. This obviously would never work, yet I wonder what the result of an old fashioned ice pick lobotomy would be. Dr. Walter Jackson Freeman II pioneered the technique, with the goal that any therapist could perform one in about ten minutes with commonly available tools. A nightmare for anybody deemed not normal, yet an alluring technique to potentially keep a captive at bay. I'm shocked that I don't know of any case of a predator (at least, a predator unaffiliated with the mental health industry) who has attempted the technique.

Of course for every predator we know about, there are countless more that evade detection. For all we know there could be one out there right now, with some cute lobotomized forever partners by their side.


2023-05-01 3:00 AM

I wasn't always content reveling in the abyss. There was a time I was terrified of it, where I desparately fought it. Yet despite the fear I was cautiously optimistic that I could conquer it. All I needed to do was ask for help and throw myself at the mercy of whatever treatment the doctors preached, treat their instructions like gospel and work hard to get better, and surely I would be cured.

It turns out it doesn't work that way. "Just reach out and ask for help!" and "It's okay to not be okay!" are nice slogans, but they ring hollow when applied to the real world. The very best you can hope for is to find a seemingly symphathetic ear for an hour at a time, but even then you can tell how eager they are to pawn you onto somebody else once you begin to spill the darkness of your soul. At worst they will literally leave you to die. Eventually, that cunt will wish I had died. I refuse to attempt to end my own life ever again, at least not while she still roams unscathed.

Perhaps it was too late to save me by the time I reached out. Perhaps there was never a chance anybody could have saved me. It would have still been nice if they tried to help though.

I never want it to be claimed that I did not make an earnest, repeated attempt to get help.


2023-04-25 8:00 AM

I try not to politicize the hunt. There are plenty of capable predators and wonderful prey on all sides of the political spectrum.

That said it would be a delightful twist to hunt down a concealed carrier, surreptitiously gain access to her gun, and then use it against her. I don't merely want to have power, but I want to take it away from another. Such a scenario could play into that desire wonderfully.

The Girl In The Coffee Shop

2023-04-19 10:00 PM

Sweet, innocent prey. It's so tempting to tease or taunt you, but I know that's unwise. I must control myself, I cannot even gaze at you for more than a split second, lest I gain unwanted attention. And yet those few glimpses are enough to fill me with glee, as I imagine making you mine.

I see you're looking for software engineering roles. A smart girl with potential - That makes me want to claim you all the more.

Alas you are safe. I cannot claim you with so many witnesses, and due to circumstances the chance we will again cross paths is nil. Go run home, live your life. There will certainly be others.